We want to hear all about it!
So why not enter our ‘Grow your own’ Competition and you could win one of our fantastic prizes. All you have to do is send us a photo of your home grown crop along with your contact details. The competition is open to all ages, young or old and it can be any fruit or vegetable at all…. Carrots grown in your pots, strawberries from your hanging basket, broccoli from your allotment, tomatoes from your conservatory, potatoes from your grow-bags... The list is endless!
Entry photos will be displayed at our ‘Grow your Own’ display at each centre and we will choose our lucky winners on Saturday 24th September. Good luck!
1st Prize: £100 gift voucher & grow your own hamper
2nd Prize: £50 gift voucher
3rd Prize: £25 gift voucher
And 10 runners up will receive a gardening goodie bag.
You can enter by bringing in a photo with your contact details attached, or simply email your entry to us at competitions@creativegardens.net